- Long live “REXIT”! May it be victorious, happy and glorious, and the sooner the better - 04/02/2020
- Le français, seule langue officielle ? Mythe et réalité - 21/01/2020
- All Eyes on Peter White - 14/11/2019
- 000215 Assembée nationale Consultation générale sur le projet de loi n° 99 — participation de William Johnson président d’Alliance Québec - 02/11/2019
- Conférence tenue à Univ McGill sur le thème Countering the Third Referendum - 02/11/2019
- Speech announcing my candidacy for president of Alliance Quebec - 02/11/2019
- Rectifying the misrepresentation of Alliance Quebec - 30/10/2019
- Quelle leçon tirer au Québec du tumulte en Catalogne - 30/10/2019
- The Parti Québécois gets it wrong again - 07/09/2019
- Canadian Multiculturalism Falsified - 11/08/2019
- René Lévesque war correspondent - 14/06/2019
- René Lévesque portrays the New Carlisle of his childhood as Rhodesia 19-05-15 - 16/05/2019
- René Lévesque’s tall tales of war 190513 - 16/05/2019
- Confusing the conditions a province must meet for it to secede from Canada legally - 20/03/2019
- Message à M. Brian Myles - 22/01/2019
- The total confusion over whether or how Quebec can legitimately secede - 21/04/2018
- Les documents officiels sur la participation de René Lévesque à la seconde guerre mondiale - 13/03/2018
- René Lévesque recounts « the most flamboyant scoop of my entire career” - 01/03/2018
- The Canadian Myth of “Speak White!” – A Sociological Analysis - 15/02/2018